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molded glass leaves & pearl brooch. Schiaparelli?

In Costume Jewelry > Costume Brooches > Show & Tell and Costume Jewelry > Schiaparelli Jewelry and Accessories > Show & Tell.
Costume Brooches2273 of 2534Watermelon Riviolli brooch.Hhhmmmmm...
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    Posted 13 years ago

    (304 items)

    I have had this for a long time but I was browsing on line and came across a pair of Schiaparelli earrings that seem to match this brooch. The closed back construction looks like a Schiap piece to me but I am bias. I have many pieces of Lisner which was Schiaparelli's U.S authorized agent & distributor, but I have yet to find a true Schiaparelli piece. Always looking and thinking I may find or already have some. Thanks for looking.

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    1. vintagemad vintagemad, 13 years ago
      Thanks FineLines, and everyone for the likes and loves. Since I posted this I have seen a necklace and bracelet but none were signed. And now I can't find the earrings that were listed as Schiaparelli? Oh well it's probably not Schiap piece anyway.
    2. Stillwater Stillwater, 12 years ago
      Doesn't look like a Schiap to me
      "Biased," lol
    3. bladerunner22 bladerunner22, 9 years ago
      I have seen and own some Sherman pieces with almost identical leaves which may be a millimeter or so larger than these leaves that they used on their necklaces, however never seen any shown in the Sherman book, and the claws here are not as fine as Sherman made. Very nice however.

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