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Crown Potteries Co.

In China and Dinnerware > Show & Tell.
China and Dinnerware5495 of 6213Crock Fransescan ware set ivy leaf
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    Posted 13 years ago

    (22 items)

    Anyone knows anything about Crown Potteries Co set number 9 51 that would be very helpful to me. I tried to google it but haven't found this set. I got these for a song. Not my usual purchase but couldn't pass up on the deal. I've yet to see a pattern this pretty but maybe I'm partial ;) Some sets on Ebay have the items listed for 50.00 just for 3 or 4 pieces. I have almost an 8 piece table setting :D Give or take a few missing pieces.

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    1. hotkitties, 13 years ago
      On homer Laughlin dinnerware, those last two numbers are the manufacture year. Maybe it means the same for these? 1951
    2. treece76 treece76, 13 years ago
      Oh wow thanks about the info @murano.
      @bellin68, thanks and I will be prank calling you at PB...I sent you a txt about it.
    3. idodishes idodishes, 13 years ago
      Crown Potteries, originally Crown Pottery Co. of Evansville, IN, made your dishes. 51 would indicate the year produced as noted.

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