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1964 Coca-Cola Menu Board

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Coke Signs852 of 1123Coke SignCoca Cola Match Striker, Matches, & Lighters
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    Posted 13 years ago

    (677 items)

    This Coca-Cola menu board was also found yesterday in Indiana in an old garage full of things on a small farm. I made my best deal with the man and brought it home. I scrubbed for over two hours cleaning this sign up. I could not find it in the Petretti's price guide. I thinking it's out of the sixties but not sure. The drink Coca-Cola button is embossed. The dimensions are 27 3/4 x 19 3/4. Also curious what the AM17 means in the lower right hand corner.


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    1. officialfuel officialfuel, 13 years ago
      Thank you MooreAntique for the love!
      Thank you pickrknows for stopping by and showing some love!

    2. chevy59 chevy59, 13 years ago
      Very Nice Sign!
    3. officialfuel officialfuel, 13 years ago
      Thank you chevy59 for the love and the nice comment!
      Thank you trukn20 for the love!

    4. Daddy_Nobucks Daddy_Nobucks, 13 years ago
      Another great sign officialfuel! The hits keep coming, you really have the knack for finding nice pieces.
    5. officialfuel officialfuel, 13 years ago
      Thank you very much Daddy_Nobucks for stopping by and leaving the nice comment!

    6. EJW-54 EJW-54, 13 years ago
      OKAYYY!! THAT'S IT!!! I'M GOING TO INDIANA PICKIN! LOL ( besides its gonna snow here by Fri.)
    7. officialfuel officialfuel, 13 years ago
      Thank you EJW-54 for stopping by and commenting! Bring your snow clothes it's suppose to snow here too.

    8. officialfuel officialfuel, 13 years ago
      Thank you sanhardin for the love!

    9. EJW-54 EJW-54, 13 years ago
      Umm, never mind. but Nice menu board .
    10. officialfuel officialfuel, 13 years ago
      Thanks EJW-54. I thought that would change your mind.
    11. officialfuel officialfuel, 13 years ago
      Thank you Ray for the info! I'm going back he has another one.
    12. officialfuel officialfuel, 13 years ago
      Thank you walksoftly for the love and stopping by!

    13. MMM MMM, 13 years ago
      I was hoping to see today's lunch posted. Maybe you were tired from cleaning LOL. You are off and running into 2012. Nice pick "Officialfuel"!
    14. officialfuel officialfuel, 13 years ago
      Thank you MMM for stopping by and commenting and leaving some love!

    15. officialfuel officialfuel, 13 years ago
      Thank you egreeley1976 for the love!

    16. Signaholic Signaholic, 13 years ago
      Great find Michael! These were made very well, very thick metal used.
    17. officialfuel officialfuel, 13 years ago
      Thank you Perry for stopping by and commenting! There are a few more signs, going to see if I can get them.
    18. officialfuel officialfuel, 13 years ago
      Thank you Longings for stopping by and spreading the love!

    19. officialfuel officialfuel, 13 years ago
      Thank you shughs for the love!

    20. Signaholic Signaholic, 13 years ago
      If anyone can get'em, you can!
    21. tommy1002 tommy1002, 13 years ago
      Nice one!! I call dibs on any duplicates you find there, lol!!
    22. officialfuel officialfuel, 13 years ago
      Thank you Perry for comment!
      Thanks Ray for the info!
      Thank you tommy for the love and the compliment!

    23. officialfuel officialfuel, 13 years ago
      Thank you packrat-place for stopping by and showing some love!

    24. officialfuel officialfuel, 13 years ago
      Thank you mtg75 for stopping by and looking and showing some love!

    25. officialfuel officialfuel, 13 years ago
      Thank you jamiedpt for the love! Have a great weekend and if your out picking good luck!! :-)

    26. officialfuel officialfuel, 13 years ago
      Thank you BELLIN68 for the love!

    27. officialfuel officialfuel, 13 years ago
      Thank you Dottie and leighannrn for stopping by and showing some love!

    28. officialfuel officialfuel, 13 years ago
      Thank you Designer for the love!

    29. officialfuel officialfuel, 13 years ago
      Thank you Chevelleman69!

    30. officialfuel officialfuel, 13 years ago
      Thank you rustyboltz!
      Thank you crswerner!

    31. officialfuel officialfuel, 13 years ago
      Thank you chrissylovescats for the love!

    32. officialfuel officialfuel, 12 years ago
      Thank you AntigueToys for the love!

    33. officialfuel officialfuel, 12 years ago
      Thank you sugargirl for the love!


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