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More Burn Pit Finds From The Old Coast Artillery Fort

In Military and Wartime > Show & Tell.
musikchoo's likes6 of 7Unkown Sterling Silver Flower Mid Century Modern Design Brooch or PinGrandmother's pendant "Souvenir"
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    Posted 13 years ago

    (4 items)

    More military brass hardware and bric-a-brac I found in an old fort burn pit. Refer back to my first posting in Military and Wartime to see the original pics and discription.

    Military and Wartime
    See all
    Old Rare Vintage Antique Civil War Relic Confederate Canister Shot Appomattox VA
    Old Rare Vintage Antique Civil War ...
    Soldiers Military Thumb Compass Vintage Brass WW2 1940 Navigation World War II
    Soldiers Military Thumb Compass Vin...
    Old Rare Vintage Antique Civil War Relic 3 Flint For Flintlock Hammer Musket Gun
    Old Rare Vintage Antique Civil War ...
    Old Rare Vintage Antique Civil War Relic Miniball, Button and Marble
    Old Rare Vintage Antique Civil War ...
    Old Rare Vintage Antique Civil War Relic Confederate Canister Shot Appomattox VA
    Old Rare Vintage Antique Civil War ...
    See all


    1. devinofrank devinofrank, 13 years ago
    2. scottvez scottvez, 13 years ago
      The displays #1 and #3 remind me of arrowhead displays that I have seen-- the arrangement is artistic and really makes the displays.

      I am a row displayer and couldn't make anything as nice as yours!

    3. rfs1920, 13 years ago
      Thanks Scott. I wanted them to be visually pleasing even to someone who is not interested in the artifacts ... like my wife. She doesn't mind them hanging on the wall. I've also found hundreds of bottles. Do you have any ideas about how to display them in a fun way?
    4. LaDoscha, 13 years ago
      I collect buttons in general, so your displays caught my eye, wonderful finds!
    5. miKKoChristmas11 miKKoChristmas11, 13 years ago
      Spectacular and striking ensembles! miKKo
    6. mikielikesigns2 mikielikesigns2, 13 years ago
      luv how u have them displayed! Especially pict#1 and 2. Nice job!

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