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    Posted 13 years ago

    (197 items)

    Coke bottle sign is pretty aged, like me, but it still shows the date of the Christmas Coke Bottle Dec 25 1923. Sign was found with another betwee the outside rock wall ant the wood inside wall. Was used to patch holes in the wall.

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    1. Daddy_Nobucks Daddy_Nobucks, 13 years ago
      You know, as rough as that baby is, it's still a very cool sign! 1933-34, near mint condition value $1300. Me, I'd be happy to hang that rustic beauty up on the wall. A great true find. Thanks for sharing!
    2. hotkitties, 13 years ago
      This old rustic one looks way cooler than the "mint" ones ;)
    3. Signaholic Signaholic, 13 years ago
      Gotta say it's too roached for me but it has it's place.
    4. pickingupbones pickingupbones, 13 years ago
      TAL to signaholic,hotkitties,and daddy_nobucks. Didn't know it had much value. but rust has always been my favorite color. If its not bent,broke, or dirty I usually can't afford it. TAL
    5. Daddy_Nobucks Daddy_Nobucks, 13 years ago
      Well, it's value is mostly decorative in that condition. These signs have the estimated value I mentioned when they are mint or near mint. Even then auctioned, many times Coca-Cola signs realize a sale of 1/2 the book value, or less, in the current economy. Yours would bring perhaps 1/10 book on a good day. I think you probably understand this, I just want to be sure I didn't give you the impression your sign is worth over a grand!
    6. pickingupbones pickingupbones, 13 years ago
      No never thought it had much value other than the story behind it. I collect for entertainment. Its the hunt that counts, but the value is nice to know when you are asked.
    7. Daddy_Nobucks Daddy_Nobucks, 13 years ago
      I'm with you pickingupbones! Love the hunt and the fun.
    8. pickingupbones pickingupbones, 13 years ago
      Thanks for your input. Several yrs ago wife saw one at an antique mall.Not as bad as mine but a long way from good. Was priced $350. Still love mine and very little investment.
    9. pickingupbones pickingupbones, 13 years ago
      Thanks TGBC for commenting. I also heard a similar story about 3 visable gas pumps being dumped and buried. I actually used the pumps as a kid. The land has now been developed and is just bricks and mortar
    10. pickrknows pickrknows, 13 years ago
      I found a 1940 something Indian motorcycle frame some time ago while hiking . It was chucked over a cliff from the road above probably in the '60's.
      I got a buddy and a rope, got the thing up, blasted it ,primed, then sold it to a buddy for 350, who parted it even more and probably did 10x his money. Amazing what they used to throw out!!
    11. pickingupbones pickingupbones, 13 years ago
      I have collected, traded all my life. When I joined the Navy I left behind all my stuff, A Whizzer motor bike, a service cycle, an apple box full of comic books from the40's/50's. Mom thought I had grown up and did not want them anymore. She threw it off a bridge. Thats just how they got rid of stuff. The only thing left when I returned was my marbles so I still have all my marbles.(debatable)

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