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Metal Detector Finds (some) 2011

All items213320 of 245646international dump truck/pedal carLilly Dashe compact
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    Posted 13 years ago

    (199 items)

    Some of my metal detector finds for 2011. I have a page on Facebook called...Ellsworth Maine History Detectives... Hoping 2012 is a better year.


    1. packrat-place packrat-place, 13 years ago
      I have been metal decting since the early 1970's, and those are great finds! Keep up the good work.
    2. dosher100 dosher100, 13 years ago
      These are some nice items. Is the black pistol a cap gun are a 380 auto.
    3. mrcolorz mrcolorz, 13 years ago
      Pistol, is green, and it is a cap pistol, when I get enough, I sell them as a group lot on Ebay. Thanks for looking.
    4. mrcolorz mrcolorz, 13 years ago
      Hey Bellin68, you'll have a choice to either search the beach...or look for more historical items in the woods..I search for colonial coins, and pocket watches hunters have lost, and other things...Mostly what I am not expecting>>>Have fun.
    5. Dr_Rambow Dr_Rambow, 13 years ago
      Hah, believe it or not I have a few of those revolver cap guns, albeit in a little nicer shape! Looks like you have a Hubley Chrysler Airflow too. Neat finds!

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