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My Favorite Silver Repousse Salt Spoons/Demitasse Silverware w/Finials ITALY

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    Posted 14 years ago

    (14 items)

    I have this old set of Demitasse Silverware for many years.Two I believe are salt cellar spoons, one is a shell shape and the other a shovel style.A tiny fork and knife.They all 4 have Repousse flowers,designs and scroll.All four have finials on the top,one I think is a Lion or tiger,one is perhaps a Greek Goddess, one is a man I think with a Toga, and the last one the fork is I think a Lion with wings and maybe a Halo around its head.The only markings I could see is in the Shovel,it is stamped "ITALY". I would love to add to this collection if I knew who made it or where I can find some.They are 4 3/4" long and under.Thank You Very Kindly.

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    1. MiladyBella, 14 years ago
      It may be that your spoons are like this set shown on the Souvenir Spoon Museum web page. The ones shown there are pewter. I hope this helps
    2. valerie, 14 years ago
      I have several pieces and would like to sell them. I can email you pictures.
    3. zsoka, 14 years ago
      thank you so much,I have looked forever for the maker.I really do appreciate this.Merry Christmas!
    4. MiladyBella, 14 years ago
      No problem. If you are interested in selling them, you might check out what they are selling for on the popular auction sites. Usually a set will bring more than one individually one. Season's Greetings to you and all!
    5. Pamela, 14 years ago
      I have eight spoons about this size. They look like a winged, haloed lion, cherubim, tiger (w/Rome written under it), horse standing on two legs, a unicorn, and three w/some sort of symbols. If anyone knows anything about these or what their value might be, I'd appreciate information. Thank you!
    6. Dennis R. Wynn, 14 years ago
      Can identify many of these spoons. There's about 50 different figurals.
      Been researching these for months.
      Send photos to and I'll identify the ones I can.
      Can sometimes identify just by description.
      Dennis Wynn
    7. Kathy, 14 years ago
      I have this same spoon set, 12 in all, they look exactly like the pictures in "Souvenir Spoon Museum web page" that were listed above, but they look like silver to me, not pewter. Does anyone know if the pewters above were reroductons and there were some earlier made from silver? I am def no expert!! Thank you!
    8. Dennis R. Wynn, 14 years ago
      These "Italy" souvenir spoons were made in brass, pewter, silverplated, goldplated, and sterling silver. Not every handle design was made with sterling and not every handle design used all the figural designs. Probably no one handle design used all the various figurals. Montagnani was probably the most productive maker of these spoons but there were other makers.
      Dennis R. Wynn
    9. lisa, 14 years ago
      i have one of the spoons you are talking about i believe. it is small like salt spoon about 2.5in long and the handle is twisted and the top looks to be a crown shape. i am confused on what it is or is it worth anything. i also have several pieces of rogers and national silver co. that i could really use advise on. thank you
    10. laurie fertig, 14 years ago
      I just obtained the shell spoon and the shovel type spoon. On the back of each is the name Montagnani, Italy and white silver. I don't know if this means sterling, silver plate of some other combination. I would dearly love to know when they were manufactured and the value. I see that I'm not alone in this endeavor, and hopefully someone out there has this information.
    11. shandra, 14 years ago
      Finally looking through stuff from my parent's estate--I am sure some came from her mother--I have two spoons-one larger with a square on top with a winged lion in it, back saying Montagnani, Italy, and white metal. I too, wonder what white metal means? A smaller spoon appears to go with it, it is only stamped Italy and has a horse at the top. I see some posts are older but if anyone can tell me anything it would be great!
    12. sherri, 13 years ago
      i do have 2 of the forks with gild lion and italy on back i would be willing to sell they are different
    13. pauline, 13 years ago
      I just bought a bag at a garage sale and when I got home and inspected it more thouroughly, I found a silver spoon (my son in law says he thinks its gold or gold plated. Anyway, it has a deep bowl and a number 7 at the rim close to the stem and at the end of the decorative stem is what looks like a small beer stein, decorated with flowers. I make out the stamp on the bottom of the stein. any comments would be helpful
    14. stephanie Dubov, 13 years ago
      I have these 2.5" gold pick like things and I can not find any info on them. They say Italy and Montagnani... but that is it. They are not forks and are too small to be letter openers? Does anyone know what they might be?
    15. stephanie Dubov, 13 years ago
      oh and the reason I am THINKING they are gold is because they do not take to magnet. I may be completely wrong but I think brass takes to magnet and gold does not.
    16. Carrottop, 13 years ago
      I have the set of 4 Italy is stamped on the shovel very close to the bottom edge.
    17. Carrottop, 13 years ago
      Look down handle under figure I think it says SPOP?
    18. kjstewart, 12 years ago
      I too have a set of these I was researching so that I could sell them. There is a shovel spoon, shell spoon, knife, fork, smaller spoon and smaller fork.
    19. Bernievfish Bernievfish, 10 years ago
      I have a set very similar to these....a 6pc vintage Demitasse Italian ornate silver appetizer serving set with these ancient Roman artifact figurines (Florentine/U Bellini Firenze) circa 1890....made in Italy.
      Be happy to share a pic of these... send email if you like.
    20. flynnstein, 6 years ago
      Can so.e be real gold??
    21. flynnstein, 6 years ago
      Mine dont stick to a magnet and they are waaay to east to bend
    22. flynnstein, 6 years ago
      Easy** to bend
    23. Jcr, 5 years ago
      I have a set of 8 of these spoons. I was wondering where I could find a list telling the names of the figures on top. I would like to know what each represents.

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