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Welz tango

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    Posted 13 years ago

    (236 items)

    The Welz tango resembles Loetz and Kralik tango but if you look closely they have no pontil mark and the rim is fire polished. I have no idea how they were made with such consistency. They are sometimes signed with a faint acid mark "Made in Czechoslovakia". There is a very similar type (I am looking into them) that has a variegated rim...they may or may not be related. the fourth picture shows a nice color range between the lemon yellow and the blood red. The green is a very rare color and helps to identify other shapes.

    any new color pics are most welcome.

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    1. hapoli, 13 years ago
      GREAT COLLECTION! I don't think I have ever seen the green befor..........very nice!
    2. AnneLanders AnneLanders, 11 years ago
      I cant stop admiring these...they are stunning...
    3. jericho jericho, 8 years ago
      Thanx, I'll do another one, I really like the simplicity of these tango pieces in very predictable shapes and no grinding or pontils
    4. yesterdaysglass yesterdaysglass, 8 years ago
      Is #3 a different shape from #1 or just a really weird photo?
    5. jericho jericho, 8 years ago
      Same shape

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