Posted 14 years ago
(274 items)
Old tintype of a left-handed cowboy, from my collection, with his pistol belt and holster spun around backwards for a left-handed cross draw of his gun, see the bullet loops at the front instead of the buckle in the close-up. In the second photo you can plainly see the butt and trigger guard of his pistol facing forward. His hat, shirt, pants, pistol belt and holster are all new and don't show any signs of wear in the photo. I am guessing he is a young cowhand in town who spent his pay for new clothes and a photo to send home.
I will correct myself. Tintype photos are negitives due to the way they are processed. If you look at the fly on the pants the cowboy is wearing you will see it is reversed. Still a pretty cool photo.
Great tintype!
Both tintypes and daguerreotypes are mirror images-- one that shows correctly is usually an indicator of a copy image.