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1930-31 Silver Falcon Hood Ornament-Mascot

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    Posted 13 years ago

    (8 items)

    Oh, what a wonderful old Hood Ornament. This is an American Made design similiar to the earlier French Car Mascot called the Voisin Eagle, a vary rare one! This is an aftermarket, designed like the Voisin, and was made by the GREENLEASE MOTOR CO, KANSAS CITY, MO. It is shown the the book, Motoring Mascots of the World on page 139. They call it the Silver Falcon and date it 1930-31. We were lucky to get in contact with a collector in CA that shared this great information with us!
    We had it for several years and never new who made it or that it really was a hood ornament. It was exciting when we finally found information on it! Hope we find some more!
    Don't know for sure a category, maybe someone will suggest a better one for this!

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    1. rocker-sd rocker-sd, 13 years ago
      Don't worry the Collectors Weekly Category Fairy will tell you where it goes.
    2. oldhippee, 13 years ago
      Thanks pickrknows
      Thanks officialfuel
      And A big thanks to rocker-sd for the comment and the love!
    3. oldhippee, 13 years ago
      Thanks Vontrike

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