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Vintage Victor Mouse Traps in box

All items212699 of 245619Camel Light cigarette tinThore' Lifetimer Cigarette Lighter
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    Posted 13 years ago

    (179 items)

    My 12 year old, James, found this today and paid $1 for it. Loved that they were still in the box. Pretty cool, doubt that they have alot of value but we like em. We did some searching online and most that we found had the boxes listed at 29 cents instead of the 19 cents as on this box. Am really glad my kids are enjoying picking so much, we had a full day of it today.


    1. Hedgewalker Hedgewalker, 13 years ago
      kerry ... I'm surprised at you !!!! What would Mickey think ??!!
      Very cool find James !!!!
    2. kerry10456 kerry10456, 13 years ago
      Mickey would say "Free Cheese" lol
    3. treece76 treece76, 13 years ago
      That's cool! These are still 19 cents where I live. LOL
    4. jamiedpt jamiedpt, 13 years ago
      thanks hedge, kerry, bellin, tommy and treece....and hedge that is funny!
    5. jamiedpt jamiedpt, 13 years ago
      thanks retroechoes

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