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Double Nugget cleaned up

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Gumball Machines127 of 148Anyone know anything about this guy??Double Nugget gumball/candy machine
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    Posted 13 years ago

    (179 items)

    Here is the Double Nugget gumball/candy machine I found yesterday. Still need to get the locks picked or new key made. The case cleaned up really good with just a little cleaning. Eventually hope to fully restore it with the black and red paint and some good buffing. Wanted to post these pics for what a difference a little elbow grease made on it. Here is the link to the post I made of it yesterday before I did any cleaning.

    The last picture shows where it will eventually have a home with my Atlas Master machine. Anyone have info about the date of this particular unit would be appreciated. I found out that Double Nugget first began producing machines in 1897, and saw one picture of one just like mine that was listed as 1920s but am not sure if that is correct.

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    1. Hedgewalker Hedgewalker, 13 years ago
      She cleaned up really nice !! I left some instruction on your other post on how to pick her .
    2. jamiedpt jamiedpt, 13 years ago
      Thanks for the info Hedge, will try to pick it tonight!
    3. jamiedpt jamiedpt, 13 years ago
      Hey last night I forgot to mention that after cleaning this up I found numbers stamped on the base under the lock on the back. The number was 2954. I suspect that means 1929? Anyone know?
    4. jamiedpt jamiedpt, 13 years ago
      anyone able to help identify the age of this?
    5. jamiedpt jamiedpt, 13 years ago
      thanks officialfuel
    6. jamiedpt jamiedpt, 13 years ago
      OK I think the mystery of the dating on this is wrong, it is not 29, but it is '54. Likely the number 2954 is Feb 9, 1954? Don't see very many of these around and have seen a couple variations on it with different shape to the candy doors on front. This exact style I found an ad for from a 1952 Billboard magazine. The ad is at bottom of page 71 on this link. Regardless of it's age I love this piece....visiting locksmith today.

      I enjoyed looking through this billboard, wow lots of stuff that we would love to have in our collections in this old book!

    7. carolsu, 12 years ago
      Hello. I have a double nugget in perfect, working condition. It has 5014 stamped on the back. I cannot seem to find a value. I am finding anywhere rom $500 to $900. Can anyone stear me in the right direction to put a value on it? Thank you.
    8. jamiedpt jamiedpt, 12 years ago
      I think you are pretty close on the value estimate. Depending on condition 300-900

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