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Pictures of Front/Back of Button sign and mounting hardware. (For earlier post.)

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Recent Activity1014 of 1123sprite boy shop mirror delicious and refreshing coca cola16" Drink Coca-Cola in Bottles sign
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    Posted 13 years ago

    (3 items)

    Thanks for the comments about the coke machine I posted earlier. In response to Coke.Tevor.Cola's request. Here are some shots of the sign. The other sign on the machine is a 12" sign. Small lettering under "In Bottles" on the 16" sign reads "AM12 2"

    Follow up question. How does the lack of a logo effect the value of this machine?

    Thanks! Alan

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    1. coke.trevor.cola coke.trevor.cola, 13 years ago
      Missing logo effects value of machine huge, its no longer a coca cola machine, you could get someone to paint it back on but it would be very hard to match the original decal. the machine is now a vintage ice box still prob worth around 150$- 200$ in working condition, those buttons signs is were the real value is. if their true 1950's US buttons their worth around 300$-400$ each. im not too fimilar with the US buttons tho you might wanna make sure their actully from the 1950's, TGBWC would know for sure.
    2. Alan97404, 13 years ago
      Thanks! Great information.
    3. Alan97404, 13 years ago
      Thanks TGBWC... Standing by...
    4. Daddy_Nobucks Daddy_Nobucks, 13 years ago
      Here's a link to a similar (?same?) machine by Ideal. To me, those buttons don't look like they are original to it. Either way, it's one helluva combo!
    5. Alan97404, 13 years ago
      Hey Daddy_Nobucks, that's helpful, thank you. What's interesting to note is that my model # tag is a decal (newer machine?) and I don't see a serial number tag anywhere on my machine (unless I'm not looking in the right place). I think the model # is correct based on this picture and a lead from Tommy_1002 where I was able to match up the dimensions. I'm wondering if I took some close-up pictures of the finish/paint if it would help determine if maybe the signs were original vs. a later add on. If there are other pictures I could provide let me know. Thanks! Alan
    6. Alan97404, 13 years ago
      Hi TGBWC, I posted some follow up pictures of the small sign from the machine as well as a shot of the mounting hardware, serial number plate and compressor ID plate, if any of that helps.
    7. OddCollector OddCollector, 13 years ago
      I just picked up a 16 inch button sign that looks the same except it says "AM64". What does this "AM" mean? Is that a reference to the date it was made?

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