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Italian Model 1889 Ordinance Revolver

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    Posted 13 years ago

    (310 items)

    This is the Pistola a Rotazione, System Bodeo, Modello 1889, nicknamed the coscia d’agnello (lamb’s leg). It was the standard issue in the Italian Army until it was replaced by the Glisenti model 1910 self-loading pistol. The Bodeo continued to be manufactured and was issued support troops during WWI, and saw some service during WWII.

    My particular Bodeo was manufactured in 1922 at Brescia arsenal – almost at the end of Bodeo production. It’s the short barreled version often referred to as the officer's model, although it was not exclusively issued to officers. The ejector rod under the barrel is a bit different from other examples, and appears to be an old replacement. I bought the holster separately, and the brass clasp seen at the top of the holster was a mystery to me, until one day I noticed that it fits perfectly on a brass fitting on an Italian cavalry bandolier of the period that I also have in my collection, so I assume that was the intent.

    Ammo: The handgun is chambered for the 10.4mm Italian Ordinance Revolver round, which fired a 177 grain round nose bullet at 810 feet per second. The ammo for it is uncommon and usually expensive, so I make my own. The ammo in the photo is made from cut down .44 magnum cases. I use a 220 grain half jacketed semi-wadcutter backed by 4 1/2 grains of Hercules Bullseye.

    WARNING: Load data is provided for information only. Many vintage firearms are unsafe to shoot and I do not advise use of this load data for other firearms since I do not know the specific firearm that may be involved or its condition.

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    1. Chrisnp Chrisnp, 13 years ago
      Thanks for the love, officialfuel, kerry10456, jamiedpt and Kevin.

      Also, thanks for the comment Kevin. I do like the research, and try to make my posts informative.
    2. fortapache fortapache, 11 years ago
      Interesting revolver. Nonstandard calibers can be a tad annoying. Once more thank you for the history.
    3. Chrisnp Chrisnp, 11 years ago
      And thank you for looking back as far as this old post and for clicking the "Love it" button.

      Also thanks for the love agcollect - I didn't see that when you did it
    4. crazycharacter, 11 years ago
      Very nice!
    5. Chrisnp Chrisnp, 11 years ago
      Thanks or the love crazycharacter, aghcollect, miKKoChristmas11, pickingupbones, DJSundrop, jimborasco, mrmajestic1 and NicksCrustyStuff.
    6. Chrisnp Chrisnp, 11 years ago
      I've updated this post with reloading data and new pictures.

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