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Ivory Carved French Diary or maybe mother of pearl?

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    Posted 13 years ago

    (2 items)

    I brought this at an auction because I thought it was so beautiful. Does anyone know any history regarding this item? It's French, that I do know.

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    1. k1946, 13 years ago
      Lucky find. I certainly would have grabbed it for it's beauty. Keep it forever.
    2. flowerrose, 13 years ago
      SO SO BEAUTIFUL. I don't know anything about this piece but if I spot anything in my reference books I will shout out.
    3. miKKoChristmas11 miKKoChristmas11, 13 years ago
      The pen is beautiful, too! Looks like ivory. Missing the nib, but could be replaced.
    4. miKKoChristmas11 miKKoChristmas11, 13 years ago
      Hi, AR8Jason. I don't have the best resolution on my laptop so I might not be seeing the pen as it really is, but I thought that I had detected grains in the pen, and made the inference that it was likely ivory based on that. I am eager to learn, so please advise why you think it bone rather than ivory. Many thanks! miKKo
    5. miKKoChristmas11 miKKoChristmas11, 13 years ago
      Hi, AR8Jason! Many thanks for your kind thoughts. Yes, I do know about the lines in ivory, and I thank you for the great links. I yield to one who can see the image better than I can! I agree about the pen likely being added later. I too think it more likely that it would have been mother of pearl if it were original to the set, and I think that it would have been much smaller, too. Magnificent ivory purse you have! I hadn't seen this before because most times I try to look at your treasures, my web browser is overwhelmed. Same phenomenon with BELLIN68's page, and a few others. I know that you have an Aladdin's Cave full of treasure, and one day when I'm at the public library, where they have great PC's, I'll take a tour. Thanks again for your generosity in instructing me. Regards, miKKo
    6. joaniej100, 13 years ago
      I think the pen is ivory and it fits into the little silk strap that is in the binder(?) or middle of the diary. So it must have come with it, I would think. The pen has a little bit of very soft lead(?) at the tip. Does anyone have any idea of what the value may be? I've not seen anything quite like it on the web. Thank you for all your comments!!
    7. miKKoChristmas11 miKKoChristmas11, 13 years ago
      Hi, joaniej100! What a beautiful diary and pen you have here! The carving on the cover is rather fine indeed! About the pen, I cannot speak to its being ivory vs bone. I cannot see well enough, so I yield to AR8Jason. I also yield to him on the pen vs. pencil matter. I know very little about mechanical pencils!!! Does the lead wobble when pressure is applied? I notice a 'gap' in the join area of the metal portion and the staff. Looks like the metal portion could be pushed up further along the staff. All questions about the tip, the fit of the join, and the item's function (pencil vs. pen) I leave to AR8Jason and to the others who have expertise in this area; they know so much more than I. Now, my primary reason for thinking that the pen/pencil is unlikely original to the set is that it seems to me to be too long for the diary. The proportions just don't seem right to me. I might be wrong - photos can be deceptive. In any case, the pen/pencil is beautiful!, and the diary most beautiful! I'm so glad that you have these. As for value, I have no intelligent opinion at all. I yield to others on this matter, too. Let's hope one of the others resumes this thread and solves the remaining questions for you. Thank you. Regards, miKKo
    8. miKKoChristmas11 miKKoChristmas11, 13 years ago
      Thank you very much, AR8Jason! I look forward to venturing into Aladdin's Cave soon! miKKo

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