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Jukeboxes40 of 551950's Seeburg JukeboxAMI Booth Mount
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    Posted 13 years ago

    (7 items)

    Picked this up 20 years ago when I thought I needed something cool for my apartment. Still have it and still think its pretty cool. Its all original and complete except its never had the coin mech. Its supposed to play 78s but it was converted to play 45s before I acquired it. I prefer it that way as, in my opinion, it gives me better music choices.

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    1. ilikecoinop ilikecoinop, 13 years ago

      Now is a good time to look for one as prices on jukes, along with most collectibles, are down from their heyday. I love this machine and have never regretted purchasing it. Get one and you'll love it. How often do you get to splurge on a mancave type item that the wife is excited about!
    2. Signaholic Signaholic, 13 years ago
      You're right ilikecoinop! They have come way down in the last 2 years.
      I need one myself. Beautiful Rockola classic!
    3. Benking, 13 years ago
      Lucky you!


    4. hastingsj, 13 years ago
      very nice. i would love to have one.
    5. PopcornShop PopcornShop, 13 years ago
      Very cool juke box.. If it is missing the coin mech im sure you could find one somewhat Once again very cool!
    6. ilikecoinop ilikecoinop, 13 years ago
      The coin mechs are out there but I have never really felt like I needed one. It operates on free play and that is how I would set it up anyway. If I came across one I would probably get it just for completness of the machine, but I still like it just the way it is. Thanks for looking and the nice comment.
    7. PopcornShop PopcornShop, 13 years ago
      If it operates with out a coin mech on free play... I wouldnt look for one to hard either... Very nice juke box... It caught my eye right away :D
    8. ilikecoinop ilikecoinop, 13 years ago
      Thanks again, Popcorn. These machines are really amazing. Works of art on the outside and engineering marvels on the inside. Just so much more than their modern day counterparts. I like to watch it play as much as I like to listen to it play.
    9. Buick55 Buick55, 13 years ago
      Who could NOT love it!?
    10. tempusfigit, 12 years ago
      The only jukebox that could stand up against a Wurlitzer 1015.
    11. Trey Trey, 10 years ago
      Awesome jukebox!!!!

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