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Loop n Hitch Barbed Wire

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albegood's loves23 of 32Barbed wire display I made for a benefit auction.Photos of several of the houses on my street
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    Posted 13 years ago

    (79 items)

    This is a new one on me. Been through Harolds book too many times. I found a patent for a Steward wire that looks the part but isn't a multi line. #191,263

    Wire and Nails
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    1. gotwire gotwire, 13 years ago
      Trying to link the patent??????

    2. TheGateKeeper TheGateKeeper, 13 years ago
      Wow! Neat wire. Do the line wires alternate or is it one line with another wrapped around? Maybe Mighell got his idea from this.
    3. gotwire gotwire, 13 years ago
      I looked at it out in the sun, I hope I can make sense of it. The loop and hitch barbs terminate in to the (what I'm calling splices) and are on different line wires. There is a single line wire that runs the length and doesn't make a barb or splice.

      A splice in a single line link wire didn't make sense, as the wire is cut to length anyway. It's one for the books (so to speak!!)
    4. gman340, 13 years ago
      Pretty cute wire. I'll take it!
    5. gotwire gotwire, 13 years ago
      Thanks GMan 340, I like it too.

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