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Mixed era Barclay and Japanese Mini-cars. Tinplate and lead.

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Toys8 of 11Pressed steel guns, Daisy water pistols and Chein sparking gun. Kilgore cast iron train, small scale.
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    Posted 13 years ago

    (88 items)

    An accidental collection that accumulated over the years. Picked up one or two here, one or two there until you see what is before you.

    Most of these are from Barclay car carriers, either from the 30s or post-WWII depending on the body style. The others (on the left) are post war Japanese, but still have a lot of charm.

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    1. rocker-sd rocker-sd, 13 years ago
      I think I have hundreds of collections (someone told me anything over three of the same type, qualifies as a collection) and they all started accidently. Many years ago I opened a old fashion soda fountain and needed a ice cream scoop and found over the years I had hoarded over 25 different Antiques scoops. I displayed them on the wall and 10 years later had 70+. Love your car collection. I think you may have the bug.
    2. Dr_Rambow Dr_Rambow, 13 years ago
      Yeah, a bug I definitely have. There are so many things I haven't shown yet, many of which would qualify as collections! My interests have wondered around quite a bit since I've been collecting, but I always seem to settle on toys or militaria of one type or another.
    3. ignatz ignatz, 13 years ago
      yes its terrible,i even collect in my sleep.every day i am on the hunt for that piece of local dump is only 2 mins. away,i go there twice a day and have found some fantastic stuff over the years,all good fun.
    4. Dr_Rambow Dr_Rambow, 13 years ago
      Oh dear, don't even bring up the dreams! I'm on a pretty slim budget, so usually they revolve around finding something really really neat for a good price! I'm talking to a gentlemen who is cleaning out his collection, and the anticipation of finding out what he has is killing me!

      During the summer (or any good weather, really), I'm ritually obligated to go to the local flea markets in the hope of finding something really special. So I know how you feel!

      Thanks for sharing!
    5. ignatz ignatz, 13 years ago
      yes im on a slim budget myself, on a disability pension but you can still find great items without spending a fortune.a lot of my collection was found when times were better.cheers paul tasmania.
    6. Dr_Rambow Dr_Rambow, 13 years ago
      I Still get a kick out of these things :)

      Thanks Trunkman!
    7. jimborasco jimborasco, 13 years ago
      Lovin' these alot....Got a few myself....I'll post them today. right now....bedtime. Thanks Dr. for posting these. Jimbo

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