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WW II Luftwaffe Fliegerbluse

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    Posted 13 years ago

    (363 items)

    Pictured is a WW II Luftwaffe flying blouse, with the rank of gefreiter, in the anti aircraft branch of service. This was the standard uniform while in the field. For special occasions and leaves there was the four pocket service blouse which was worn with a tie. Usually there would be a red patch on each collar with the two metal wings pinned through them. Probably because of shortages late in the war, the metal wings were pinned directly through the collar, this was not uncommon. The shoulder straps are piped in red as they should be.The ribbon bar depicts two Luftwaffe service awards, and the red, white, and black ribbon, the Iron Cross 2nd class. The two badges worn are the Luftwaffe Flak Badge, and the Luftwaffe Ground Combat Badge.

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    1. Dr_Rambow Dr_Rambow, 13 years ago
      Nice one. Not overly flashy, but still a nice honest uniform. Did you get it as one grouping? You'd think a guy who'd qualified for the 12 year long service award would have a little more going on, but I suppose not every soldier was a war hero.
    2. stepback_antiques stepback_antiques, 13 years ago
      I got the jacket by itself. The IC ribbon was sewn on, as well as loops for two badges and one ribbon bar. Thanks

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