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Ye Old Liqueur Mead Jug

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Stoneware613 of 7061873 SALTGLAZED HUNT/ HARVEST BEAKER antique market find. sudlows functional teapot
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    Posted 13 years ago

    (34 items)

    A new pick. I love the vintage advertising and stoneware, it's just a little guy only 16 1/2 cm tall (6 1/2 inches for our American friends). Just enough for the wedding night I guess. Not sure how old it is there's nothing on the bottom saying a year.

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    1. cwork cwork, 13 years ago
      Thanks walksoftly,bratjdd
    2. havenrain havenrain, 13 years ago
    3. cwork cwork, 13 years ago
      Thanks havenrain.
    4. cwork cwork, 13 years ago
      I sent pic's of it to the Cornish Mead Co. asking them if it was one of their's. They told me it was but it's not particularly valuable. They were used in quite large quantities until the late sixties when the earthenware became too expensive to be viable. So it's at least 40+ years old.
    5. cwork cwork, 13 years ago
      An update, The Cornish Mead Co. only exported product briefly into Canada through the Alberta Liquor Board about thirty years ago. They told me when they said that the bottle wasn't particularly valuable they meant in the UK market. For Canada it could be quite rare!
    6. cwork cwork, 13 years ago
      No problem,I do that sometimes also.
    7. Yohanna Yohanna, 13 years ago
      I have a very heavy large 1 similar to this mine is from 1909 and it represents fizzy lemonade from where i live in grimsby uk it has writing i=on it will pos when i get chance.
    8. cwork cwork, 13 years ago
      Thanks scandinavian_pieces

    9. cwork cwork, 13 years ago
      I look forward to seeing it Yohanna.
    10. cwork cwork, 13 years ago
      Thanks BELLIN68
    11. cwork cwork, 13 years ago
      Thanks officialfuel
    12. cwork cwork, 12 years ago
      thanks mustangtony
    13. cwork cwork, 12 years ago
      Thanks schallerpen

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