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Vintage Millefiore double handled vase

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Murano and Italian Art Glass1531 of 1644Solid Crystal Murano Owl Signed By Artist Licio Zanetti - Cranberry Glass Pitcherlaticcino bowl, Venini
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    Posted 13 years ago

    (10 items)

    This is my latest aquisition, i love it, its as colourful as me! and 8" tall... anyone have any info regarding mker or age at all? would be great.Thankyou

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    1. Shawnl86 Shawnl86, 13 years ago
      Cheerful piece!
    2. GlassLadyUK GlassLadyUK, 13 years ago
      Someone has mentioned it may be a Japanese or chinese piece, maybe.
    3. Artglass4me Artglass4me, 13 years ago
      Wow! What a find! I'm jealous! :) I have a sculpture piece that I purchased at an antique shop a few months ago, which has the same sweeping colors as your piece. Wish I could add a picture in this comment but I don't see a place to do that. It looks like a stylized "eye" on a clear free-form base. Very heavy! About 15" tall...3" thick...and it has the identical coloring and style as your piece. I believe it is Murano...from the same artist...Possibly Seguso. I'm still researching my piece. If I find anything more definitive, I'll add another comment.
    4. Artglass4me Artglass4me, 13 years ago
      I just posted my EYE sculpture under this SHOW & TELL section...If you want to go check it out. The bright colors cased within the clear glass, remind me of the piece you have. I have never seen any other pieces using this technique. It's as if the color is painted within the glass somehow with a flat brush. hmmmm...the mystery continues....
    5. Artglass4me Artglass4me, 12 years ago
      I've been trying to find information on your vase, as well as my "Eye" sculpture. I stumbled onto a company called Novica. They offer a style of glass (hand blown) with similar coloring as yours...and they call it "Confetti" glass. I have since seen Tropical Confetti and Carnival Confetti, which basically describe the colors used. Yours looks like Carnival Confetti to me. It could be Murano glass (not really Millefiori, as that term means 1000 flowers)...and it's very possibly that your vase was made by the Seguso family, who were originally from Murano, Italy, but over the years have migrated to areas like China and Brazil. Anyway, if I had to guess, I would say this is Seguso (Brazil)...offered by Hope this helps you in your search for information.

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