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Full Harley Davidson Oil Can

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    Posted 14 years ago

    (1 item)

    Vintage Harley Davidson Oil Can. In good shape and full! I'd like to know what year the can is from and possible value.

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    1. kramer, 14 years ago
      check the past episodes of american pickers -they bought 2 off a guy and discussed its age and value but i dont know if it was the exact same can
    2. cycles-past cycles-past, 14 years ago
      these are from the 1930's-40's usually sell on eBAY for 100-250 and Indian cans from same era sell for more
    3. Electraglide, 14 years ago
      I know 37,000 yuppies that would pay $500.00 for it.
    4. Galphin, 14 years ago
      Thanks for the information. The can is for sell so that's why I was trying to get an idea of what it may be worth. Not wanting to take advantage of anyone and not wanting to be taken advantage of so the information is appreciated.
    5. cycles-past cycles-past, 14 years ago
      I would sell it to a yuppie!,.....most collectors condition is everything,with out seeing the entire can it hard to tell,....but the prices I stated are ebay averages
      I bought 20 or so of these years ago ,...good luck!
    6. cycles-past cycles-past, 14 years ago
      do you have any other old MC stuff?
    7. hdoilbaron hdoilbaron, 14 years ago
      I've got one I would say is a 9 out of 10. It is full and in pretty much mint condition, no pressure dents or seeps. I gave 275.00 for it on the Bay!
    8. darien, 14 years ago
      I have a 4can set how much is thht worth

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