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1920's Spanish laxative box

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    Posted 13 years ago

    (149 items)

    Or an old wine crate? I picked this up off the curb, and in it was a french newspaper from 1919 and two long canvas muzzle covers off of some artillery pieces I assume was from WW1 that are marked RAR, which I believe would stand for Royal Artillery Regiment, and a canvas gunny sack. Carbana means rifle in Italian (I think) but I cannot find what Purgativi means. There is some other writing on the end but it is hard to make out. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks for looking.

    Mystery Solved


    1. stefdesign stefdesign, 13 years ago
      Seriously? What an amazing curbside find! Can I move to your neighborhood? ;)
    2. trunkman trunkman, 13 years ago
      Sure you can stef -- we can do the rounds together -- half my stuff is chez curb creations!
    3. stefdesign stefdesign, 13 years ago
      That's awesome! I'll put my house up for sale immediately! :)
    4. diedirektion, 13 years ago
      Carabana is not rifle in Italian (that would be carabina), but a Spanish brand and town known for medicinal mineral water products. See Purgative has the same meaning as in English: laxative
    5. trunkman trunkman, 13 years ago
      That is WAY too funny!!!! I am still laughing at myself. I now have to change the title to OLD LAXATIVE BOX! Thank you so much for the clarification. Geesh -- ya never know....
    6. trunkman trunkman, 13 years ago
      To the kind person who went out of their way to sign up on CW and offer one comment only, to inform me that this is indeed a laxative box and not an Italian munitions box-- I both thank you and salut you! Not only did you correct my ignorance, but you provided me with a laugh each and every time I see the box!!!! To diedirektion, my hat is tipped...
    7. kerry10456 kerry10456, 13 years ago
      LMAO, not that a good quirk on the story. You never know what something might turn out to be.
    8. diedirektion, 13 years ago
      For the full story of how I came across this box and commented: I was doing research for a WWI movie about the battles of Isonzo being made here in Austria. As props they needed 100 boxes of Italian explosives, and I wanted to make them as authentic as possible. Not finding any explosives I went on to look for other military crates etc. to at least copy the stenciling used at the time and came across your crate, but wanted to be sure.
    9. trunkman trunkman, 10 years ago
      Thanks PatSea, packrat-place. kerry10456 loves, Wavie and mrmajestic1 for the loves and likes...
    10. Jewels Jewels, 10 years ago
      :) I would have thought wine! ;)
    11. kyratango kyratango, 10 years ago
      Lol lol !!! Full of suppositories/bullets? :-D
    12. trunkman trunkman, 10 years ago
      Well that would shoot the cr_p out of someone now wouldn't it?
    13. kyratango kyratango, 10 years ago
      Love the idea !

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