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Vintage Remco Universal Monsters

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Monster Models59 of 62MONSTER MODELS HORIZON 1988Aurora 1963  The Phantom Monster Model Kit
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    Posted 13 years ago

    (32 items)

    When I was a kid, it was pretty much mandatory that you loved monsters, and I was no exception. I used to pore through books about the classic Universal Monsters, devoured countless vampire and werewolf themed comics and probably watched Abbot & Costello Meet Frankenstein at least twice a year (whenever it showed up on our local UHF channels).

    But one area concerning Universal Monsters that I missed out on was in the realm of toys and action figures. Remco had come out with a brilliant and sublime series of figures in the early '80s, which I would often see in stores, always intending to get a few, but always passing them over for yet another Star Wars or G.I. Joe figure.

    I still have a vivid memory of a kid in my third grade class having all of these figures and bringing them for show & tell, and being insanely jealous. I vowed to get them the next time I saw them, but if I remember correctly, I never saw them again.

    I managed to finally score an almost complete (I'm still missing the Mummy) set on a little-known auction site called eBay a while back.

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    1. Mrj303 Mrj303, 13 years ago
      I just got rid of some Silver Age comics, Hulk, Thor, etc. It was nice having them pass through my hands. Nice collection!
    2. tom61375, 11 years ago

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