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WWII Gunner Photos

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    Posted 13 years ago

    (30 items)

    Three WWII photos of soldiers operating guns on a US battleship. Not sure of which battleship this is of.

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    1. USACollect, 13 years ago
      Thanks Fossilhunter!
    2. USACollect, 13 years ago
      Thanks RonM
    3. Dr_Rambow Dr_Rambow, 13 years ago
      Neat! The second two must be from a fairly old ship (for WWII at least) since hull/sponson mounted guns were considered archaic by then. Almost makes it seem like a dreadnought era ship. Is there any information on the back of the photos?
    4. USACollect, 13 years ago
      There is no identification but it was definitely taken in WWII. The only information that I have is that the photographer was stationed on the USS Colorado, which was built in the 1920s giving the ship some age in WWII.
    5. SCPODan, 13 years ago
      White hats dyed dark blue show it to be WWII vintage. Looks like they are inspecting damage to me.
    6. SCPODan, 13 years ago
      White hats dyed dark blue show it to be WWII vintage. Looks like they are inspecting damage to me. In fact, they are lowering a litter in photo #3.

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