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Mickey Mouse Pocket Watch.

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Pocket Watches1357 of 1695Pocket Watch ClockHamilton Watch anyone know what year or type??
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    Posted 13 years ago

    (1 item)

    we have just purchased this 1930s Mickey Mouse Pocket Watch. I have been told all kinds of different stories about it being one of the first but I would like somebody to really tell me about its origin and whether it is worth anything.


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    1. kerry10456 kerry10456, 13 years ago
      I saw this watch on E-Bay this week and wondered about it. First thing that comes to mind, is the Hands are wrong and the sub-dial for the seconds is a hand also. The Movement picture on e-bay was very fuzzy and I really couldn't tell if is was an English Ingersoll or not. This might be a "Smiths" watch and theirs are a little different from the orginal run. Personally I have never seen the first English model with the second hand instead of the sub-dial. I have a proto-type that was made by Services, but that's another story.
      If you post a better picture of the movement on here(Collector Weekly) I will try to verify or not if this is one of the first run English models.
      Thank you for sharing this piece, and if it is a replica watch, it's still has some value, just not as much as an original.
      Hope this helps answers some of your questions, and I'll be watching for a better picture of the movement.
      Best Regards, Kerry
    2. Manikin Manikin, 13 years ago
      kerry is our expert in Mickey Watches and clocks on CW he will help you alot Arni if you post more photo's for him . Very nice watch whatever it turns out to be :-)
    3. kerry10456 kerry10456, 13 years ago
      Thanks for the vote of confidence there Mani. I guess Paul didn't like what I commented about it, Maybe that's why this item was ended early( seller canceled all bids and removed listing) on ebay, it wasn't getting to many bids.
    4. Arnimass, 13 years ago
      It wasn't that I didn't like the comment. I appreciated it but I haven't had chance to do anything yet. been Working.
    5. Arnimass, 13 years ago
      Can you give me any names for having it cleaned and possibly overhauled. Even if its not worth much I like it. Thanks.
    6. kerry10456 kerry10456, 13 years ago
      Sorry about that. You reside in the UK?
      The piece has a lot of potential, and I agree it is lovely. As far as having it clean and service, you can go to about any watchsmith and have that done. You might contact this person for local help.
      If you don't find satifaction locally , feel free to contact me here and I will give you my email address. From there , I'm sure we can work something out. Again , this is a lovely piece and sorry if any insult was implied.

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