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Singer Sewing Machine. Real,or Knock? Not for sale

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Singer Sewing Machines711 of 719Old Singer Sewing Machine   I would like to know the model numberSinger Sewing Machine  24-13, 573104 Can someone help me ID this machine.
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    Posted 14 years ago

    (1 item)

    This machine is not for sale I need all the info I can get from every one .I have a sewing machine that has Singer cast all over the bottom,and it has cast made in china also. It has the beautiful Sphinx decal on it. I can't find a serial # on it. I posted it on eBay just this the way I described it here. Here's my predicament. I told everyone I'm not an expert and I'm only selling the machine starting price $9.99, strictly as a novelty conversation piece. Can you tell me if this is a knock off and if it is who makes them. Thank you for your time sincerely I can send pictures if you send me your e-mail link

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    1. cindy, 14 years ago
      Just curious if you found any background info on your Sphinx decal sewing machine? I have one almost exactly the same. There aren't any serial numbers on my either. The stamp on the underside in the cast iron says Singer and "India". It also hs a small hologram Singer sticker. It's definately a newly manufactured machine in excellent condition. However, I can't find it anywhere online. I'd love know if you've learned any history about mystery machines.??? Thanks for your time!
    2. Bernadette Bernadette, 13 years ago
      Yes these machines are made on the Asian continent and are genuine Singers. They are mainly made in countries where not everyone has electricity. It should have a serial number up under the edge, if you tip it back.
    3. drj62783, 8 years ago
      i have one like it and when was it made and what model is it i need the book on it

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