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$2.50 Print

All items209148 of 245675Christian CandelabraFirst Generation postwar Movado One-Button Chronograph. The very rarest of the rare
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    Posted 13 years ago

    (8 items)

    I got this at an auction. They were practically throwing stuff away. It formerly hung at The Fort Henry Club in Wheeling, WV.

    Heinrich Rohmer


    1. scottvez scottvez, 13 years ago
      Really nice painting (??).

      Is it a "print"-- sure looks like an oil on canvas!

      Looks like a quality painting from the early 20th century-- do some searches and you'll probably find him listed.


    2. samlapp, 13 years ago
      a local artist was in and said she believes it is a print. she said something about folds in the paper.

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