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WWI Iron Cross medal sets

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World War One558 of 692WW1 shell art vases with flowers and ivyWWI Iron Cross first and second class
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    Posted 13 years ago

    (310 items)

    Here are my remaining Iron Crosses, which are part of mounted sets of medals. I purchased the three medal set and the two medal ribbon in a second hand store Bremerhaven Germany back in the late 1970s.

    The first set of three medals starts with the Iron Cross 2nd Class. I haven’t disturbed the ribbon to see if there is a maker’s mark on the suspension ring. It’s three piece construction with magnetic core. The second medal is the WWI service cross for combatants, or “Hindenburg Cross.” The third medal is a medal for twelve years faithful service in the Prussian Army.

    The second medal mounting was designed so it could be worn as an “undress” ribbon bar without the medals underneath, or the medals could be temporarily attached by the spring clips on the back to convert it into a “parade dress” mounting when needed. Since the ribbon bar could be worn alone, combatant’s swords are displayed on the Hindenburg Cross ribbon. I bought the ribbon bar without the medals, and then attached some orphan medals to it. The Iron Cross is maker marked on the suspension ring, three piece construction and magnetic core.

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    1. blunderbuss2 blunderbuss2, 13 years ago
      Very nice collection Chris. I have a WWI iron cross 2nd with part of the ribbon. I had completely forgotten about maker's marks on the ring. Is there a site that lists those makers do you know? Mine is in a shadow-box & it won't be easy to look.
      Most casual collectors don't know about the iron core, hence "iron cross".
    2. Chrisnp Chrisnp, 13 years ago
      I used to have a real good one, but it seems to be gone now. If you google "iron cross makers marks ww1" the first few links are helpful

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