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    Posted 13 years ago

    (1 item)

    This Seth Thomas wall clock was given to me in 1996, by a neighbour of mine. It had been in the cafateria of the Wrigley's chewing gum plant on Carlaw Ave., in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Her father started working at this plant in 1921, and it was there then. In the 1940's the cafateria was re -painted, and the clock was given to my neighbours father. He did not remember the clock being used much at the plant, as nobody would take the time to climb on something to get to it to wind it. When I got it, a jewller friend of mine took it apart and confirmed it had little use. I took tripple O steel wool and cleaned the case down to the clean original finish - and we put it back together. I cannot find out when it was made, or the worth of it now.

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    1. Pop_abides Pop_abides, 13 years ago
      Missed your chance, should have asked your jeweler friend. All of the good info is inside!
    2. Bruce99 Bruce99, 13 years ago
      Hi, I believe I can help you with this.

      Judging from the appearance and the date range you provide it looks like you may have a Seth Thomas "Arcade" circa 1913. Either that or the "Arcade No. 1" which came 10-15 years later.

      These clocks can retail for over $1,000. If they are in good condition, they can easily sell for $600-$800 at auction.

      What is the clock's overall diameter, it's dial measurement, the measurements of the oblong box in back? If you provide that information I might be able to narrow down the possibilities for you.

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