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Gas, Oil, and Service Signs1274 of 1582D-X pump sign collection from the 1960smore from "my sanctuary"
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    Posted 13 years ago

    (1 item)

    I have a chance to purchase this sign but don't know what to offer. Any idea of its age? Cannot find any info about it.

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    1. Pop_abides Pop_abides, 13 years ago
      Similar SOHIO signs in my 1999 book go for $ 800.00 and up in good condition with all the clips. I don't have any Shell Oil books but that shold at least give you a ball park figure
    2. mikielikesigns2 mikielikesigns2, 13 years ago
      In the 2005 copyright version of Amistadis Antique Advertising Gas,Oil, and Automobile Signs Volume One, that they show your sign, that is if it's a one-sided 48 inch diameter, which I believe it is. This sign appears to be a grease gun display, the bad news, it doesn't give the date of creation for the sign. The good news, it does give value which I think you'll be happy to hear,............ are you ready............. $3000-$5000!!!!!!!!!!! now granted, this sign in this book is in pristine condition graziers appears to have some chipping. So I believe as long as you're not paying more than $3000 for your sign you should come out smelling like a fat cat. Hope this helps you. Mike
    3. Pop_abides Pop_abides, 13 years ago
      Just remember friend, CONDITION is everything and I would not buy something just to make money on it unless I knew where I could resell it............a very good friend in the antiques business once told me," Buy what you like, you may have to look at it for a LONG time" I have always heeded his advise.
    4. Manikin Manikin, 13 years ago
      Those are the the words to live by Pop ! You said it all ! :-)
    5. dpkozi, 13 years ago
      Thanks all for the info. Just want to add this to my collection.
    6. mikielikesigns2 mikielikesigns2, 13 years ago
      if you do get this sign you should try to add the correct lubrication dispencers like they have on the picture. Its only got 3 of the 7 "guns" attached to it.

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