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Porcelain Dolls354 of 367China Dolls?pocelian clown
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    Posted 13 years ago

    (18 items)

    I have purchase these dolls at an auction. I do know that they are fairly new ? dolls. the dark haired is a china doll, the blond hair is a parian doll. both are mark incise on the mold at the back with the name of the doll, Josephine "page" the other, Lois "page" I do know that the names, Josephine and Lois are the name of the dolls. But I can not figure out or can not find in the internet about the word "page" I do not know if is the makers name.
    If you know any thing about these dolls or the maker, please let me know. the garments of these dolls are exquisitely made and original to these dolls.
    Thank you

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    1. Manikin Manikin, 13 years ago
      Hi your dolls are reproductions of antique dolls . They were made by Lois and Josephine (who may have been sisters in the class ) as required when a mold is copied you are to add your name to it . These dolls did not have names . Black hair china is a reproduction of what was called a "Flatop China " The Blond is Reproduction that was called a" spill curl "and was also a China doll both of them originally were made in 1860 to 1870's . In the 1970's and 1980's and even earlier woman would go to a ceramic class to make their own dolls as the real ones were so expensive and it was also for a hobby . The ladies that made these are not doll artists but merely just a women making doll .
      These make for nice display Mac :-) hope that answered your question . Value re sale very little but a piece of history to keep !
    2. Manikin Manikin, 13 years ago
      Oh and PS your blond spill curl you have is made in style of parian . Unglazed Bisque . You were right but the original ones were made of china . Although I believe there were parians that looked much like her back in 1800's :-)
      Thanks for sharing them mac !
    3. mac mac, 13 years ago
      Dear; Manikin, you think that the word "page" is the last name of the persons that made these dolls ??, just curious. I only pay $35.00 each, for these dolls, for me is small price to pay for such beauties
      I do appreciate your information. You are great. Thank you
    4. Manikin Manikin, 13 years ago
      Yes Mac I would say that is their last names . The names were embossed into a wet mold before fired . Also the class or instructor could have put the names of person on doll. But The signatures are not original to the old mold . You got a nice buy and I would enjoy them mac :-) Are both signatures exact same script or print ?
    5. mac mac, 13 years ago
      Yes it seems to be the same. Thank you for taken the time to write
    6. Manikin Manikin, 13 years ago
      mac I love their clothes ! Dressed beautifully ! If both signatures are exact they person that made the molds to let students use may well have put her name on dolls also and she decided to give them a name she made up for them . At any rate you got a nice buy on some pretty dolls :-) Thanks for sharing them !!

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