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AIWA Recorder

All items241424 of 245619Eglise de Mantes sketch 1875, H. Saffrey WELBY
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    Posted 14 years ago

    (252 items)

    AIWA Recorder works do not no how old or any other info. any collectors out there that can tell me about this it was my moms and thats all i no Thank you for your help

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    1. csrussell, 14 years ago
      I think I know some info on it. Can you please read me the model number off the front. TP-?? I can't quite read it.
    2. csrussell, 14 years ago
      I am pretty sure it is a Aiwa TP-60R it was made in 1965 but I can't be sure until you tell me the model number. I have some pics of the manual and know most of the specs. It is a pretty neat unit as it is very compact and portable.

      I am a dealer in antique electronics and cameras on Ebay so if you want to know more about it or the company let me know.
    3. TeresaD TeresaD, 14 years ago
      Yes thats what it is TP-60R
    4. csrussell, 14 years ago
      Ok well then it is a 1965 Aiwa TP-60R Portible Tape recorder. it has 4 Transistors and can record apx 30 minutes on it's tape (35 micron). it has 2 microphone one built in and one that is remote.
      Takes 4 AA batteries.
      It was a trailblazer in it's day as it was very compact and had a aluminum case which made it pretty rugged. They were used for many things but alot of reporters used them.

      One of the big innovations that it had was the fact that it had a "real" erase head made up of an electromagnet. Most other small tape recorders had a regular magent that just wiped the tape and that left audio ghosting (you could hear your old recording behind the new recording) this new system was much better.

      Aiwa used to be a major player (they went under in 2002) in the tape recorder business and this was a very high quality machine.

      If it works still and you clean it up it would be very nice.

      Anything else please let me know.
      Charles Russell
    5. TeresaD TeresaD, 14 years ago
      It works.. what is something like this maybe go for ?
    6. csrussell, 14 years ago
      Sorry to say not very much. in perfect shape with the external microphone and leatherette cover about 30 dollars. The market just isn't really there.

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