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Lamps7469 of 8806 Catalog of Glass Shades from ELETTRA 1928 - MILANOItalian Candelabra lamp
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    Posted 13 years ago

    (15 items)

    A friend sent me a picture of this for any info/identification-
    Not the best of pic, but I can get more if someone thinks they can identify.

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    1. kimjcmurphy, 13 years ago
      anyone have a clue on age?
    2. trunkman trunkman, 13 years ago
      From appearances this looks like a 1920's lamp. Any markings on the base or rim of the shade?
    3. kimjcmurphy, 13 years ago
      There are no marking we can find-that's been the ??
    4. kimjcmurphy, 13 years ago

      There are no identifying marks whatsoever. However, it was bought in St. Louis, and is probably from there
      Unless someone can tell me a hidden place to look, I've scanned top to bottom. It weighs about 50 pounds
    5. FloridaTreasures FloridaTreasures, 13 years ago
      possibly - Handel - - Chicago Glass - and a few others from early 1900's.
      check on this site for old slag lamps - might help - or at least get you started, as it did with me.

      as well as this site -
      which shows examples of a lot of lamps and makers of the time -

      Hope it helps.
      Beautiful lamp your friend has:-)
    6. kimjcmurphy, 13 years ago
      Oh my, thanks. I'm in heaven just looking! I'll let you know if/when I find out more info
    7. FloridaTreasures FloridaTreasures, 13 years ago
      yes. . . the second site is wonderful. I hope you find the maker.. It is a definate challenge finding something unmarked, as I am doing... and hopefully we will both be successful:-)
    8. JohannB JohannB, 13 years ago
      I is definitely not Handel. but it is of his time period (1910-1925). Miller, Royal Art Glass, Salem Bros, Empire and many others all did similar designs. If it is not marked, it is very difficult to identify. Depending on the condition and if the glass and other parts are original, the auction value is $450-550. I have owned several like this one, marked and unmarked.
    9. olegsveta71, 12 years ago
      Hello Dear, I was first owner of that lamp. Please look at the bottom of the base you can see small boat. It is from Salem Brothers Company from 1920,s. Very nice bright lamp. Good luck.

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