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Copper emblem

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Recent Activity119 of 143USAF band hat pieceThe Value Of An Eye
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    Posted 13 years ago

    (66 items)

    Another find from the earth. This is a copper disk with the "Great Seal" eagle on it. It has been cast but is rather crude because it seems to have casting marks or nodules on the face. I couldn't get a clear shot of the back but it is the same as the front only the image is concave.

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    1. fhrjr2 fhrjr2, 13 years ago
      Looks like it belongs on Army dress green uniform hat or white MP dress hat.
    2. scottvez scottvez, 13 years ago
      Agree with fhrjr2-- enlisted hat badge.

    3. mrmajestic1 mrmajestic1, 13 years ago
      I agree with you both that it looks like an enlisted man's hat badge but the imperfections, that I have highlighted with a second picture, plus the thickness and no attachment method on the obverse puzzles me still.
      I thank you for the lookies, likes and loves.
    4. fhrjr2 fhrjr2, 13 years ago
      Don't let it puzzle you to much These were commonly soldered to other things to make stuff like belt buckles or a waist chain for a girlfriend. The fact that the back screw is missing isn't unusual they snap off with your fingers.
    5. mrmajestic1 mrmajestic1, 13 years ago
      Thanks fhrjr2. You reminded me of something that I did when i was in the Navy. I will be posting it shortly.
    6. mrmajestic1 mrmajestic1, 13 years ago
      Thanks for the comments and lookies.
    7. gvette gvette, 12 years ago
      I have my Army hat pin from 1971. It is brass and looks and measures the same as your picture. The difference is the Eagle is separate from the base the eagle has a screw base and a pin. Your picture looks like it is embossed into the metal, this leads me to believe that your find is much older but the same thing.
    8. mrmajestic1 mrmajestic1, 12 years ago
      Thank you gvette, I'm still puzzled by this item. Merry Christmas to you and right back at cha BELLIN68!

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