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1803 /13 star gaming

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US Colonial Coins8 of 11Colonial coins1787 New Jersey colonial coin
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    Posted 13 years ago

    (269 items)

    1803 wish it was the real thing ,i think it is a kettle coin ,dont know if there worth anything,over 200 yrs old

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    1. Pop_abides Pop_abides, 13 years ago
      Well, here are the facts at this link
      { }
      as long as yours is not magnetic it might be worth having it looked at by a coin buff.
      Just my opinion from the pics.
    2. lundy lundy, 13 years ago
      thank you guys
    3. kerry10456 kerry10456, 13 years ago
      lundy, Kettle coins also hold a pretty good demand. They came it two sizes and still draw a fair price on ebay and such.
    4. lundy lundy, 13 years ago
      its not magnetic ,so whats next t y
    5. Pop_abides Pop_abides, 13 years ago
      Get thee to a person who knows coins, one you can trust.
    6. lundy lundy, 13 years ago
      ok pop t y ,great wheather here in boston
    7. lundy lundy, 13 years ago
      thank you robin ,ive been trying to find them only found one so far for 275.oo
    8. Pop_abides Pop_abides, 13 years ago
      Sorry, my screen didn't show me the 'kettle' so I guess I learned something today, Thanks ROBinHawaii..

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