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what NOT to buy when thinking of collecting 'salesman's sample', 'factory display' or Native American canoe models

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Salesmans Samples160 of 233'One-of-a-kind' salesman sample canoe model, Old Town Canoe Co. 1940'sSalesman sample bed with case
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    Posted 13 years ago

    (39 items)

    I have collected miniature canoes, especially 'factory display' advertising pieces (aka 'salesman's samples') and native-made models for many years; also have researched and written about them for collector magazines. In recent years, I have become appalled at the number of fakes turning up with great claims of "age", "value" or "authenticity", and very creative but fraudulent historical provenance attached. In several of my other 'show and tell' photos, you can see the genuine articles. To complete the picture, I am showing you, here, the type of thing to avoid - or at least not spend much more than a very few $$ to buy.

    The first photo, with the canoe model next to the box, shows a typical imported small canoe. Over the past 20 years or so, thousands of such items have flooded in from Asia - mostly China or Indonesia. These are toy or miniature decorative items. They are often found in lengths of 15", 27" and 39"; there may be slight changes in style, but mostly these are simple, low profile and made of lighter balsa-type wood with mesh seats, a cradle and two paddles with slanted or bent hand grips. They can often be found for $25, or so. Fine, as far as that goes, and nothing improper when sold as a toy, or maybe to decorate a shelf or desk.

    But what has been happening is that unscrupulous people take these little imports (which have nothing at all to do with historic factory canoe production in America or First Nations) and distress or antique them. They add old trade names, or fanciful but spurious 'Native American' designs, a bit of crackled varnish surface, then sell them as "authentic salesman's samples" or "antique Indian canoes", etc. That's when the fraud begins.

    Second photo (top) shows a 39" import sold on eBay some years ago for over $600 as an "original antique factory sample"; the 27" model at the bottom with the NWC-style native totemic designs went for $1,000 in a major west coast auction touted, of course, as being "fully authentic". NOT!!!. In photo 3 (top) is another fanciful but faked up piece meant to resemble a native bark canoe. Not even close. At the bottom of photo 3 is another outrageous fake, this time claiming to be well over 100 years old and made by the "Otter Canoe Co." of the Adirondacks. After much research, I could find no such company in historical records, let alone that this is nothing more than a very recent Chinese import dressed up to look old and offered with a totally fraudulent provenance. It sold for over $2000 in a mid-west auction before the scam was uncovered with some help and assistance to the unfortunate buyer; the item was then returned for a full refund. A similar item with the Kennebec Canoe Co. name painted along its sides sold on eBay for over $1600. Each one was a scam which defrauded honest bidders.

    So, BUYER BEWARE, and watch out for similar fakes. What you buy is your business, as long as you truly understand what you're getting, and don't spend a whole lot of money getting ripped off buying fakes. If you really want a truly authentic item, be sure to deal with a reputable seller who truly knows the scene and will stand behind what he/she sells with a complete money-back guarantee. You can find a 'buyer's guide' written by me (roger-y) for eBay on "salesman's sample canoes: tips on avoiding fakes". Lots of detailed info. Hope you find it useful.

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    1. scottvez scottvez, 13 years ago
      Pls share some of the "Red Flags" on the import/ reproduction items.

    2. bushrat bushrat, 13 years ago
      Many of the "red flags" are outlined in the buyer's guide on eBay under my name - roger-y. See: "antique salesman sample canoes - tips on avoiding fakes". It is quite extensive and, I'm pleased to say, has been viewed over 13,500 times.
    3. scottvez scottvez, 13 years ago
      Thanks, I read that-- I am just a "one stop shopper".

      I don't have as much interest if I've got to go to ebay and find your page.

    4. Tlynnie1942 Tlynnie1942, 13 years ago
      I want to thank you for putting your page up on Ebay. It helps alot of newbies who think they are getting a "great deal" on something, when they spent way too much on a fake.
    5. bushrat bushrat, 13 years ago
      Thanks officialfuel for the love, and Tlynnie for the supportive comment. What I really hope is that potential buyers will find and read my 'guide' before they bid or buy something, and avoid getting burned or scammed. When newbies get taken in we all suffer. They get angry, tell others and some never come back; everyone loses. Collecting gets a 'black eye'. I believe that good info and helping to educate serves the best interests of all, and helps to encourage others to join in.
    6. ho2cultcha ho2cultcha, 13 years ago
      thank you for the education. i could have easily been talked into spending too much on one of these and now i will know what to look for. i know real canoes/kayaks, but not toy / sample ones!
    7. TheGateKeeper TheGateKeeper, 12 years ago
      Well done! Fakes continue to be a problem in every area of collecting. The more we know ................
    8. bushrat bushrat, 3 years ago
      It has taken a long time, 2022, but I have finally gotten around to writing my manuscript on early N. American "display" sample canoes. They really deserve to be described as display pieces because they were never widely handed out to sales personnel. Only about 300 in total were ever made before WWII by all the canoe makers added together. Old Town made the most (about 130), Kennebec the second largest (60). Many others made none, or only a handful. Just one sample by Rushton is known, and one by J R Robertson. Canadian factories likely made less than 2 dozen, altogether. So, they're very rare and, consequently, pretty expensive to buy. Don't get fooled by cheap fakes. Look for my book or articles I have written; it will show you the real thing, with lots of great photos, as well.

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