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Vintage Jumbo Guerlain Shalimar Cologne!

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Perfume Bottles804 of 955My white cat perfume bottle - AvonPerfume Bottle
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    Posted 13 years ago

    (9 items)

    I recently purchased this bottle...I honestly odnt know much about it so any help would be appreciated! As far as size I dont know exactly.. but it is HUGE.. maybe 480 mL? I viewed a similar one on ebay for nearly $3500... if anyone knows anything about this bottle please let me know! thank you... :-)


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    1. valg925, 13 years ago
      hello! yes bottom is marked "guerlain" also can see "90 alcoulique bottle made in france" that is etched in the bottle. there is also a paper sticker reading that is written in french, but says guerlain again A48 and stamped 240.
    2. valg925, 13 years ago
      you're welcome!
    3. lundy lundy, 13 years ago
      i posted one one here ,
    4. valg925, 13 years ago
      did you lundy? Im looking through your collection and cant find it :-( do you know anything about it??
    5. lundy lundy, 13 years ago
      NO i have a round bottle inne despensable
    6. valg925, 13 years ago
      Ooo... very nice!
    7. flowerrose, 13 years ago
      Jealous!!! There is a book about French Perfumes - now of course I forget the title - Doh! But it has Guerlain and some of it's history about Shalimar in there. "French Fragrances" - it is a black hardcover book with little perfume bottles on the cover in rows. I WANT YOUR BOTTLE. giggle.
    8. flowerrose, 13 years ago
      p.s - I can't quite tell from photo but does it have original perfume in it? Or is a display piece - not real perfume used in bottle.

    9. valg925, 13 years ago
      Hi Flowerrose! Im not certain about the contents... I purchased it from an estate sale.. it belonged to a woman about 90 years old who was a collector and according to her is is legit perfume inside. Im not sure how to find out... the only thing I know is I checked ebay and someone has what appears to be the same bottle listed and they claim it is real perfume inside and they priced it at $3,499.99.... I do not know anything at all about this piece, but I found that very shocking!

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