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1920's Conoco Motor Oil sign w/ Minuteman

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    Posted 13 years ago

    (1 item)

    I found this in my brother-in-laws garage a few weeks ago and it's been there for a long time. All I know is that it's very rare and the last one I could find online at auction was in 1995 and sold for $7,500.00. My brother-in-law just wants it gone so I'm looking for any information and possibly what it might be worth. Not looking to sell it here. It's covered in dust and grime right now but I will add better pictures when it's cleaned up. Thanks
    (Sharpie to show scale)

    *New photos of the sign all cleaned up and with a proper backdrop.

    Mystery Solved
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    1. mikielikesigns2 mikielikesigns2, 13 years ago
      That sign is INCREDIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Think about keeping it, the value will only go up. That is, unless the Mayans are right, in that case, use it for a shield & get u a spear!
    2. MMM MMM, 13 years ago
      Nice sign! Be careful what you use to clean it. Send me an email and I'll tell you a secret that will yield awesome results.
    3. tommy1002 tommy1002, 13 years ago
      Don't let that one go !!!! According to Amistadi's vol. 1 (2005) that 16" double is worth between $7,000 and $15,000. That is quite a jump but I would say yours is on the high end in that condition.

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