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Metal Coffee Strainer, Housewares

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    Posted 13 years ago

    (3 items)

    I found this gem last month at a thrift store. It has a false bottom that is weighted, maybe with sand? There's a straining part that can be removed. There is also a handle to carry it. I have no idea if it's for coffee or not? I'm sure it's for the kitchen, just not what it's purpose is. Any ideas?

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    1. ThriftyGypsy ThriftyGypsy, 13 years ago
      Good morning coffeenkisses, your item reminds me of something my grandma and momma used back in the day. It was a used grease keeper. You would fry something in a pan, and when you were thru you poured your grease into this with the strainer in it. The striner would catch any chunks or pieces of food that were left in the pan, allowing nothing but clean oil to go into the bottom. I have never seen one with a weighted bottom, but that is still what it looks like to me. I think we have one somewhere at our house, although we don't fry much anymore. Thanks for sharing and welcome to Collector's Weekly. TG
    2. mrmajestic1 mrmajestic1, 13 years ago
      Neat little item.

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