Posted 13 years ago
(316 items)
The 1946 Lexington Telephone Company directory using the early indepentent telephone logo with telephone pole and cross arms. The telephone number are manual switchboard with four digit numbers.
By 1952 the company was purchased by General Telephone Co. and the name was changed to Kentucky Telephone Corp. The cover is using the Flight of Speech logo. The company had converted to dial service with five digit number. page number three tells the subscriber how to use a dial telephone.
Hi ttomtucker,
Both of these directories are really neat. As mentioned, I have these directories too.
What is more amazing is how little information exists about the companies under the Associated Telephone Utilities banner...For instance, I just recently learned of one of the holdings called Standard Telephone Company operating out of Texas. Never had heard of it before...but you know one of these collectors on Collector's Weekly will turn up a porcelain sign that was buried somewhere!
earthandmagneto, another indepentent telephone company that operated in California was Southwestern Home Telephone Co. they operated in Hemet, Palm Springs, Banning, Elsinore, San Franando Valley. This company became Cal Water & Tel sometime in the late 1930's. another is the Corona Home Telephone & Telegraph Co. which became Pacific Telephone & Telegraph.
Hi ttomtucker,
Very interesting...Thank you for the information!
The really old telephone pins (before 1921) are impossible to find...I believe I own one of the oldest telephone pins known which is a Holzer-Cabot Telephone dating from before 1915 and also an old Western Electric Co. dated 1915...After years of collecting, I have never seen any older pins...Sign, directories, invoices, badges before 1915? Yes. Telephone pins from before 1915? No, I wish there were some...