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Top Bow Rest Off A 1919 Dodge Brothers Touring Car

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Cars1556 of 1767WHAT COUNTRY IS THIS FROM??? PLEASE!!Ford Fog-lights and AA Auto Insurance Badge
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    Posted 13 years ago

    (14 items)

    My brother became owner of a rusted out old touring car that we later discovered was a 1919 Dodge Brothers Touring car. The car was completely rusted through and not restorable, but he did rescue this interesting piece off of the back of the car. After quite a bit of research, I found out this piece is called a top bow rest. I'm assuming it held the convertible top when folded down perhaps. I have posted a picture of the part itself, and a picture I found of a 1919 Dodge Bros. Touring car that clearly shows that piece on it. Very interesting item and its in perfect condition with no rust.

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