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Political George C. Wallace Coin

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    Posted 15 years ago

    (14 items)

    This coin was done during the presidential campaign in 1968 for George C. Wallace, Alabama's governor. It does not have any monetary value and I am not sure what the coin is made of.

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    1. philfreo philfreo, 15 years ago
      Where did you get that?!
    2. kristin kristin, 15 years ago
      My dad doesn't remember where we got this. He said it might have been from a rally but he doesn't remember ever going to one. The other thought was just seeing it on his parents table and asking them if he could have it. Other than that it was just something fun I found in his tin can of coins.
    3. WILLIAM, 15 years ago
      I have several of these coins.
    4. Brian Zimmerman, 15 years ago
      I just recieved this coin from my grandmother she was not sure if it was worth anything so i told her i would do some investigation. I see there is no real value to it but it will go in the display case as a conversation piece. Thanks for the information .
    5. kristin kristin, 15 years ago
      I haven't looked into the value of this coin. I don't believe it would have any value since it is plastic (at least mine is). It is most definitely a conversation piece. Nice choice.
    6. Vickie Tackett, 14 years ago
      I have a coin just like it. My Mother was voting for him in "68." Dragged me to every campaign! It is some kind of light weight metal. They were issued to her for campaigning for him. Myself...Bad memories from this coin. She even tried to make earrings from them... we lived in Miami at the time. I will never forget sitting at Headquarters campaign, for HOURS. I was 4 years old. I remember...
    7. Richard Reeves, 14 years ago
      I have a 3 coin set in hard plastic holders with s slightly different pose than the one on this site. They reportedly are gold, silver and bronze. These were given to me by Govenor Wallaces' National Campain Director, whom I knew personally. I don't have documentation as to their authenticity, only what I was told by someone who shouod have known.
    8. Dean, 13 years ago
      I wonder if the coin would have some value due to the fact the Governor was shot at a ralley in Marylnd? And dropped out of the race.

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