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    Posted 13 years ago

    (304 items)

    Picked these up last week. All at the same sale & all for $5. Some newer but most of them are vintage Japan. I'm not sure about the last blue kitty, it seems to be a quality above most the cats I find.
    No label or marks. I really dig the blue color. Thanks for looking.

    See all
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    Chinese Antique Porcelain Kangxi Pe...
    Retro Cats Refrigerator Magnets: WHATEVER KITTY CAFÉ | Vintage Advertising Art
    Retro Cats Refrigerator Magnets: WH...
    Retro Cats Refrigerator Magnets: HYPNO KITTY | Vintage Advertising Art
    Retro Cats Refrigerator Magnets: HY...
    Retro Cats Refrigerator Magnets: BOSSY KITTY CHOW | Vintage Advertising Art
    Retro Cats Refrigerator Magnets: BO...
    Chinese Antique Porcelain Kangxi Period Famille Verte Dish Lady with Cat c17th
    Chinese Antique Porcelain Kangxi Pe...
    See all


    1. Manikin Manikin, 13 years ago
      So cute ! I love the Siamese cats I had some like them years ago and had forgot till i saw your beautiful ones . Do they have glass eyes ?
    2. AmberRose AmberRose, 13 years ago
      I would definitely say five bucks well spent! I believe you should put the big kitty with his paw up by your front door...I think he is suppose to bring in prosperity.
    3. oldhippee, 13 years ago
      Well the glaze looks soft to the touch on that last pic! I agree it looks to be somewhat better! the 3rd pic one is just too cute!
      So you have the best of the best... a flock of kitties, no litter box, or fur balls! :)
    4. labelbroker labelbroker, 13 years ago
      love those lucky Chinese cats
    5. vintagemad vintagemad, 13 years ago
      Thanks for all the nice comments loves & likes. Ha Ha Bellin I bet the kitties love you as well:)
    6. Bootson Bootson, 13 years ago
      I love finding a whole collection of things that someone else loved and probably spent many years collecting.
    7. vintagemad vintagemad, 13 years ago
      I do too Bootson, but it kinda makes me feel bad at the same time. Like you said someone loved those items & it makes me think of all my stuff I love. Are my kids going to love my items when I go? Or are they going to throw them away/sell them? Guess it won't matter.
    8. thriftfan thriftfan, 13 years ago
      Pics 3 & 4 sorta look like mine. Only tag on mine is a Ben Franklin sticker for 1.77, LOL!

      <a href=";current=102-2.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><br/><br/>
      <a href=";current=099-2.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
    9. thriftfan thriftfan, 13 years ago
      Well, guess that didn't work...let's try it this way.
    10. Bootson Bootson, 13 years ago
      I know what you mean, my kids find very little of my "collection" of interest.
      We should probably just get rid of it all.
      Did I mention I kinda like the kitty on the far left? :)
    11. miKKoChristmas11 miKKoChristmas11, 13 years ago
      What a lovely gathering of kittens!
    12. SpunkysMom SpunkysMom, 13 years ago
      Great collection vintagemad! I'll dig up a few more of mine & post!
    13. AnneLanders AnneLanders, 11 years ago
      Lovely collection of kitties...
      Yes the white chap is def Chinese, you seem him everywhere. In Chinese shops here and he is good luck...

      I know what you mean about children liking your things when you're gone. These topics are very high up in our household at the moment. My son said " what are we going to do with all of this when you're gone mum" and I said something like, well I'm sure you'll work it out....I've told them the worth of the items I have and really they should try and hold on to them, not just for sentimental reasons.

      Most of my glass either is or about to become antique and that is a great raiser typically of prices.

      My daughter sat down with me and said "mum I really don't like what you've collected, I'm more a royal Albert Doulton girl because you trained that in to me". So far've only recently started collecting glass.

      Interestingly my husband gets it as he collects items too.
      So is it about the item or is it that we collect. And I'm often think, well I'm not going to mind when I'm gone, !

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