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    Posted 14 years ago

    (252 items)

    I have so many stamp I don’t even no where most of them are I need to look them up
    It would be nice if I found out that I had some good one anyone no anything about ay of these ones I have some from all over the world ay help would be sweet
    Thank you

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    1. Renee, 14 years ago
      The stamps you have you can look up in its a stamp company also Mystic stamp co is known to buy some if they are of value so they have a web site also GOOD Luck and Happy Hunting , :)
    2. Debra, 14 years ago
      I have the same problem, two very thick books full of u.s and world stamps dating back to the 1800s I dont know where to begin. HELP
    3. TeresaD TeresaD, 14 years ago
      Thank you AR8Jason
    4. chollagardens chollagardens, 6 years ago
      I know TeresaD you asked 8 years ago, but your second picture with all of the state flags are not US stamps. When I was growing up I remember receiving a page of stickers for the states that I put in my stamp book. But who knows now a days! that page might be worth something?

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