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Ronson lighters

In Tobacciana > Table Lighters > Show & Tell.
Table Lighters59 of 103Cigarette Lighter in the form of a Ceramic Black Riding BootI love this lighter I bought it at a garage sale, I love old lighters. If anyone knows about this lighter share the info.
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    Posted 13 years ago

    (30 items)

    This lovely collection of Ronson lighters brightened up a dreary day in Massachusetts. This is how it works at Brimfield: Buy one Ronson lighter, it's 20 bucks; buy 10 or more, they are $15 each; but take the table and they are yours for half price. You see this sort of thing a lot here.

    I love the Greek-inspired black and gold faux-marble ones in the middle. Which is your favorite?

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    1. Vintagefran Vintagefran, 10 years ago
      Hi Brimfield, I love when people post their collections together like this. Theres so much to look at:) Great collection.
    2. Vintagefran Vintagefran, 10 years ago
      Oops, sorry, I thought they were all yours! Lol. Did you get any in the end?
    3. Brimfield Brimfield, 10 years ago
      Nope, we were just admiring the variety at Brimfield that day. What a place!
    4. Collectables59 Collectables59, 7 years ago
      Lovely collection. Neil

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