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Revolutionary War? Rifle

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    Posted 13 years ago

    (10 items)

    We think this rifle is as old as the Revolutionary War, but we don't know the history on this. The wood is absolutely beautiful (sorry the pictures don't show this). The gold embossing on the handle is also attractive. If you know anything about this rifle, please share it with me. Thanks!

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    1. Bootson Bootson, 13 years ago
      If the is from the late 1700s it was converted from a "flint-lock" to a "cap-lock" probably in the early 1800s. many old flintlocks were "updated" to use percussion caps which were a great improvement over the cloud of smoke, sparks and debris in your face of the old locks produced.
    2. busymom2three, 13 years ago
      Thanks for the information. Is there a name for this type of rifle, or was it called a "flint-lock" rifle (in its original state)?
    3. Bootson Bootson, 13 years ago
      Flintlock would be a pretty generic term since most of the guns produced then would have had the same type firing mechanism. another thing that would narrow down your search is if the inside of the barrel is smooth "smooth-bore" or has spiral grooves cut into the barrel "rifled", if it is a rifle you may be able to see or feel the notches from the grooves, unless they are worn away from use.
      My guess is that yours is rifled because it has what looks like a "set trigger" or an extra sensitive trigger for more accurate shooting (smoothbores aren't known for accuracy).
    4. scottvez scottvez, 13 years ago
      Your rifle is a half stock percussion sporting rifle.

      The back lock (hammer near the front of the lock) could not be made with a flintlock, so it was originally made as a percussion

      You rifle dates from about 1830s- 1850s.

    5. busymom2three, 13 years ago
      Wow! I'm getting a lot of information here. I have been doing some research of my own, but greatly appreciate what people are sharing on this site. Thanks!
    6. Bootson Bootson, 13 years ago
      busymom2three, was the inside of the barrel rifled?

      Scott, 30s to 50s sounds good for use in it's present state but I still think it might be a conversion. The shape of the stock right in front of the lockplate and the way the lock plate fits the stock looks kind of crude to me, makes me wonder if it hasn't been replaced.
    7. scottvez scottvez, 13 years ago
      The entire rifle is consistent with that era.

      The hammer and lockplate may be replaced, but they didn't replace a flint.

      Take a look at a flintlock-- the pan, frizzen and frizzen spring are all forward of the hammer. Based on the location of the current percussion cap, this rifle wouldn't work as a flint.

    8. busymom2three, 13 years ago
      Here’s what another rifle "expert" told me today: “Your rifle has what's called a back action lock. It has never been flint - always percussion - and probably made between 1840 and 1850. Just can't see it good enough from pictures to tell you more.
      Hope this helps.”

      So it looks as though I'm gaining a great education regarding this rifle. Definitely not used in the Revolutionary War, but it is still a wonderful family heirloom.
      Thanks everyone for the input!

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