Posted 13 years ago
(759 items)
They are not signed and do not have a sticker. They have a most beautiful colour. They came from Vinnies a month ago and I was most pleased to have them.
H: 7 cms or 2.75 inches
D: 7.4 cms or 2.9inches
Any help with identity is welcome.
Many thanks Sean! How are things going? I'm about to head off on a Monday morn.
I drink my gin & tonic out of one of these, and I love them... never new who by but always thought they had to be Scandinavian, so you have solved a mystery for me, I envy you having a set.... nearly! I too found mine in a op-shop!....:-) nice vetraio50!
Many thanks inky! Bombay Sapphire?
Well, I am happy totell you thatthe glass on the right, third picture, is one of Timo Sarpaneva'ss designs. I have seen them in purple and blue: "cocktaillaseja i-106, 12 cl" as it says on page 26 of the book SUOMALAISTA LASIA/FINKST GLAS/FINNISH GLASS, which is a compilation of catalogues/brochures from Iittala, Nuutajarvi Notsjo and Rihhimäki from the 50s (published by the Riihimäki Finnish Glass Museum in 2004)
As for the Kartio glasses, I am not sure they're really Kartio. I have now in my hands an original Kartio (just off it's tube-box, unfortunately the lid is missing) and the meassures are H: 7,8 cms; D: 8 cms; 12 cl. I know there arealso 9cl glasses, and althoughI've got none I wish!) I know the height is 6 cm.
But in fact what looks different from the original Kartios is the thick base: original Kartios are all thin walls and equally thin base, the newer industrial Kartis are thicker in both walls and base, but yours are old glasses.
I guess that as well as there were a lot of jugs inspired by Francks'sKartios, there were a lot of glasses inspired by Franck's to match those jugs... I have seen simmilar designs from other factories: Rejmyre (Mambo glasses, with exactly the same size of Kartio 12 c. glasses), Wiesenthalhütte, Süssmuth... and I guess Lindshammar would have the Kartio-like glasses to match their Kartio-like jug.
Thanks austro. I'm pleased that at least the grey ones are Timo's. I'll have to re-do this posting. I'm off to check the larger glasses,too!
Yes!... I think so! mine is larger, thankfully wouldn't get much gin in yours, standing 9.5cm tall. I also have one like the left one in your third photo.....:-)
Many thanks both of you! I just checked the larger glasses and they have a thin bottom. They are 10 cm high and 8.5 across. What do you think?
At the same glass book I used before there is a Nuutajärvi Notsjö 20 cl glass (I guess it's a KF's design) with two numbers: either 67B (12cl Kartio is 58/58B) or 2746 (12 cl Kartio is 2744). The drawing showing it shows the same propotions of yours, but there's no way to know its height.
Also, the dark blue colour in yours looks like my dark blue Kartio. Here's the link to my red Kartio jug with matching glasses:
You can see the bottoms of the glases, and if the colour of yours matches mine, I think yours should be the 20 cl. glas by Kaj Franck.
Thanks austro!
These are great V! I drink out of much less stylish glass. I think I have mentioned my penchant for dropping/breaking.
Many thanks Amber! Anything iittala works for me! Niva is the current second- hand glass of choice: I can still pick it up for cents at op shops. Easily replaced!
Mmmm, Niva! I have got a et of glases and the big decanter with original cork), butI wish I had the small one!
That is terrific that you can find them so plentifully and cheap!
Small decanter? There's a small one on eBay at the moment.
From ebay Australia... shipping expenses won't make it affordable. So sad :/
Many thanks Maggie-Dog! I am sorry miKKoChristmas11! Late thanks, pardon me!
Austro! I found a photo of the decanter for "cocktaillaseja i-106, 12 cl"! It's in one of the Taschen books: 60's Decorative Art, ed.C&P Fiell, page 376.
I knew I had seen it before!
Thanks again! I foung some Spanish cutlery pieces from the Arzberg, Chromatics the other day, too! Gulotta, boxed and some still in plastic. Who in Spain would have made them? Toledo?
It's a set of books that I've collected over the years. I have the 30's-40's, 50's, 60's & 70's. The earlier one I haven't found cheaply yet, bit it is in the local library. The Fiell's have taken photos from "the Studio" magazine and put them into an accessible form. Some are better than others but they give a broad look at the periods. You can see what the cover looks like on Abe's:
Charlotte Fiell did one on her own called Decorative Arts 60's . There are four examples of the Ventana series by Mona Morales Schildt, you'll be pleased to know.
Check out the Arts bookstores in Appleton. Is there one there? From what you've said before I'm not so might have to look further afield. But don't forget to check your city library too! There you will be able to preview a variety of things.
One of t
Thanks vet! I know this bottle! I bought it once from Finland but it arrived broken in pieces (unfortunately the seller didn't put special attention on wrapping it up safely). It isone of the few i-range jugs and bottles I haven't got (just three missing).
These Taschen Decoratives arts books are fantastic! I got them as they were being published and they've proven to be so useful! Carlos has got some of the originals annuaries from The Studio.
By the way, be aware the 25th anniversary smaller editions of these books (and other Taschen books) lack part of the pages. I checked both editions from their Scandinavian design book andthere were a lot of pages missing.
Those old copies of the Studio are great! I envy you them!
Bellini, take note at what austro says about the 25th anniversary editions and avoid them.
Look for the earlier versions. I've bought a couple of them for just five dollars each. Keep your eyes peeled! They do crop up. Good guides to begin with.
Thanks Scandi! :$
Many thanks bratjdd and toracat too!
Many thanks miKKo!
Many thanks MANIKIN!
These are "kartio" by Kaj Frank Nuutajärvi Glassworks from late 50's.
These early blown kartio series are much thinner like pressed "new"(later) series and not signed.
Many thanks VINTAGE JOE !!!!!!
But are those bases too thick ???
You a welcome.
No, hand blown glasses are usually thicker from bottom.
Many thanks THOMAS