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Cockatoo Hand Mirror Mystery

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    Posted 13 years ago

    (4 items)

    Hi Everyone,
    I'm new to the site, but sure am glad that I found it. I had been on the hunt for jade and stumbled across this totally black cockatoo mirror that clinked just like the sound jade makes when I tapped it against my jade necklace I wear while out antiquing. It feels cold to my cheek. It cannot be damaged with a stainless steel knife. However, I definitely do not think it's jade.

    In the pictures, you will see what look like a few scratches, but they are not. These are just pesky reflections appearing in my amateur photographs. Taking a picture of a mirror sure is tricky! I think next time I'll lay a peice of paper over the mirror portion.

    I'm dying to know what this is made of and where it came from. I cannot find a signature or hallmark on it. I have not pulled up the felt on the back bc it's worn thin and it is the ONLY thing holding in the mirror which makes me think it is quite old. I'm not sure if it would be considered deco or nouveau?

    As I look at the edges of the felt on back I can see some of the black looks dull/unpolished. There is also a tiny tiny spot at the bottom back of the handle that has this same dull gray look to it. I used to take pottery and it might be clay...but I'm not at all sure. I have looked up onyx, jet and pressed glass. I do not see anything that resembles a mirror similar to this. I'm guessing maybe it was factory produced since it's perfectly round and maybe it is some super shiny black porcelain?

    Your thoughts are most appreciated.

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    1. stefdesign stefdesign, 13 years ago
      What a beautiful piece! I love it! Could it be Bakelite? On one of your close up shots it looks like there might be some flow marks visible, indicating its probably molded and not carved like stone would be.
      Welcome to CW!
    2. Kelechim Kelechim, 13 years ago
      I am not sure. I tried running it under very hot water for around 30 seconds and smelling it. I smelled nothing. I'm not expert and don't know about flow marks. I can say that this pieces was extremely difficult to get a nice upclose detailed shot on. I apologize for that. What you might be thinking are flow marks could be the detailing ont he bird feathers. Thanks for the feedback. Would bakelite break if dropped. It definitely does not feel like plastic, but more like glass.
    3. stefdesign stefdesign, 13 years ago
      Doesn't sound like Bakelite since you can't smell anything. Perhaps it is glass! It is wonderful! (it's also possible that what looks like flow marks in the photo is actually reflections, since it's pretty shiny!)
    4. spiffypix spiffypix, 13 years ago
      Could it be lava? If you look up hawaiian + lava + vintage, you'll see examples.
    5. Kelechim Kelechim, 13 years ago
      Spiffy, I looked up lava, but read it was grainy. This is smooth. I did stumble across more info while looking at lava option- obsidian and onyx. I think it could be onyx from the way they describe it (similar to feeling of jade is what I gather). Or maybe it is factory made porcelain peice. I say factory made bc it's so smooth and perfect and round- doesn't look handmade at all. But, still, I can't find anything like it so the factory must have been pretty obscure. LOL. Thanks to everyone for your suggestions.

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