Posted 13 years ago
(5053 items)
These figures are each about 8-10" tall and made of some kind of plaster or chalkware. I have lots of small ones - some very old and unusual, but these are definitely the nicest. I'd love to figure out the value of them and where they are from and how old they are. My guess is that they are from around 1900, but i don't really know.
I'm just taking a stab in the dark here, because I really am no chalkware expert, but I'd guess these are no earlier than 1930 or so... maybe much later. Much of the decoration looks to be airbrushed, and I don't think there was much commercial use of the airbrush until the '20s or '30s.
could be. i was going more by the design of the shoes and the animal figures than by anything else, but i'm no expert either. i'd like to see some comparables though before i make any final decisions. thanks for your comment though.